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3 Tips For Clean Eating

Clean eating is important to our health, particularly for women and children.

The basic idea of clean eating is to choose foods that are as close to their natural form as possible.  3 Popular Weight Loss Diets

Ana is going to show you 3 tips for CLEAN EATING.

lemonade juice filled white ceramic cup with saucer

1.Skip Artificial Ingredients

It’s wellkonwn that Artificial colors, sweeteners, preservatives, and other manmade ingredients don’t have a place in a clean-eating diet.

So, when you are at the grocery store, read food labels and avoid items with the fake stuff. Organic Food Or Not?

food salad restaurant person

2.Sip Plenty of Water

Instead of sugar-heavy soft drinks and juices, sip low-calorie beverages, such as water and herbal tea. 5 Best Foods To Eat In The Morning

Water can curb your hunger and help you feel full, but it can also fend off fatigue and give you more energy. Try infusing your water with a slice of citrus or sprig of mint is also a great idea! 5 Anti-Inflammatory Foods On the Earth

clear glass bottle filled with broccoli shake

3.Watch Out for Salt and Added Sugar

Clean foods are naturally low in salt and sugar, and adding them goes against the as-natural-as-possible approach. 4 Beneficial Food For Pregnancy

Since processed foods are a major source of them, you can slash your intake when you avoid them. 3 Tips To Reduce High Blood Pressure

Otherwise, read food labels to look for added sweeteners and salt, even in foods that seem healthy, like yogurt or tomato sauce.

two smiling women sitting on wooden bench

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